Friday, February 13, 2009

Unwelcome Visitors

So this week in english my class has been learning more about how to put sentences together. On Monday I had all my kids write sentences, and then on Tuesday I wrote some of the sentences up on the board and we would as a class correct them. Well one of the sentences we happened to correct was "The blue cochroach jumped everywhere." Just as I we finished correcting it I felt something on my foot. I looked down to see a HUGE cochroach on my foot. Of couse it went running all through the classroom causing all my kids to jump on their desks and a few boys to go chasing after it. After I finally got the class under control they said, "Miss Rhonda, don't ever write a sentence about cochroaches on the board again!"
On Wed. I got three boxes from my parents. I ended up opening them up at the school. No I couldn't wait till I was home. Like I have said, patience is a virtue I am still working on :). Anyways, after I opened them and saw what was inside I put them in the car because I walk home and didn't really want to carry them for a mile. Well around 7:30pm that night I remembered my boxes. I went out to the car and grabbed my boxes. I brought them into the house and started to go through them when a really big cochroach came scurrying out. I jumped back startled and grabbed my shoe and killed it. I decided to take a break from unpacking the boxes and began to walk towards the bathroom when I looked down and saw a cochroach craw from my shoulder down my shirt! We I definitely screamed a little and did a bit of a dance. Once I had finally managed to make it fall to the floor it died a very quick death. Then tramatized I lay on the ground and tried to figure out if I wanted to cry, scream, or laugh. This whole time my roommate was trying to stiffle laughs! Well after a minute or so I decided to finish unpacking my boxes and in the process I found two more cochroaches in my boxes that also both died very quick deaths. The last one ended up splattering all over our floor. I didnt know cochroaches splattered! I'm sorry that was probably too much information :)
Well one thing I can say is for sure is that I am a northwest girl through and through and I am not a cochroach fan!

1 comment:

Sean said...


I've lived here for 11 years and for most of my life in Florida before that and I'm still not used to those nasty creatures!